What's happening


The Scottish Drugs Forum presents

Mindfulness & Creative Writing

This is a delivery of 

8 zoom sessions (Mondays 10am – 12noon)

16th, 23rd, 30th November       then       11th, 18th, 25th January &  1st, 8th February

The aims of these sessions are to help you to develop an in-depth personal experience of mindfulness and to explore the use of mindful, creative writing to articulate your observations and learning of recent months. The sessions are experiential, and we would like to invite you to immerse yourself as best as you can into this process, adopting an attitude of curiosity among your experience of the present moment and suspending judgment as to whether or not you think these approaches will work for you.

These are stand-alone sessions so join us for one, some, or all of them - there is no charge and no limit to the number of participants. These are practices that you will then be able to do on your own, or with people you support. Many people who have been doing Adrienne's mindfulness and Bev's creative writing have declared they helped with the difficulties of the pandemic of 2020.

Contact Adrienne if you'd like more information: adrienne@sdf.org.uk


The mindfulness sessions are led by Adrienne Hannah from SDF who is a mindfulness teacher. 

Mindfulness is a life skill which can deepen your sense of wellbeing. It involves paying attention to what is occurring in your present moment experience, with an attitude of openness and non-judgmental acceptance. It engages all your senses as you open to your entire experience, becoming aware of your body, emotions, thoughts and the external environment.  It is about “coming back to your senses”, being in touch with yourself, with others and your surroundings, in the present moment. It is a natural and an intuitive state of presence in which you can feel more connected, real and alive.

Mindfulness is a state of being which is accessible to every one of us. It is also a skill which you can cultivate more deeply in your life. Some experience of mindful presence will have been felt by all of us during some moments of our lives, but perhaps we did not know what it was when we experienced it.

(with thanks to the Mindfulness Association)

Creative Writing

The writing is led by Bev Schofield from Lapidus Scotland who is a creative writing facilitator.

The writing practice in these sessions has evolved out of creative writing for health and wellbeing
projects. The therapeutic value of writing as we plan to present it has no attachment to literary expectation; you do not need to write poetry or publishable prose. Indeed, you may even choose not to share anything you write during these sessions. Our encouragement is, quite simply, to explore the use of writing to clear confusion and stress by opening the door to creativity.

We often use poems for inspiration simply because they are neat encapsulations of life observations. Do not be intimidated by poetry, any more than you would be by looking at a painting. The writing you are encouraged to do in these sessions is an uninhibited flow of consciousness... simply getting you out of your own way. Some days you may write nothing more than the date, and others you might travel our full 4-step process to arrive at an aphorism (life observation) or even piece of writing that you might like to craft into something more.


In association with Lapidus Scotland


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